Announcements for March 2025
- NOISY OFFERING FOR CALIFORNIA WILDFIRE VICTIMS - Offering for the month of March for the California Wildfire Victims. The Council has agreed to match $2,500. There are a good number of Lutherans in California as well. So save your change for a noisy offering, soft offerings also appreciated.
- CALENDAR DEVOTIONS FOR LENT - There are short devotions for each day in Lent for the family. They are on the table by the bulletin board in the Narthex. The short devotions help us in our Lenten Discipline to pray and study God’s word. It can be posted on a refrigerator or on the kitchen table to read before you start your day or at the end of the day. Please take one home with you as a tool for your journey of Lent to Easter.
- “SAVIOR-SERVANT -FRIEND - is the theme of our weekly Lent service. The Theme help us to explore the extraordinary attributes of our Savior, Servant and Friend, Jesus. It is a time to marvel at the many blesses we received when he laid down his life for us on the cross and then rose victorious from the grave. Each service in this series dwells upon a different aspect of our greatest Friend and what each characteristic means to us as his followers and friends.
- Ash Wednesday - Jesus as Forgiver
- Week 1 - Jesus as Healer,
- Week 2 -Jesus as Listener
- Week 3- Jesus as Encourager
- Week 4 – Jesus as Protector
- Week 5 – Jesus as Comforter.
- We will be worshiping with our neighbors, First Presbyterian church with Pastor John Kerr assisting in the worship service. The service will conclude with Holden Evening Prayer. The worship is planned to begin at 7:00 pm and last around forty minutes so families can get home early with their children.
- BIBLE STUDY – “SPIRITUALITY OF THE PSALMS – We will continue our Bible study with Walter Brueggemann’s book, and then we will delve into some of the Psalms themselves. We meet together on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
- QUILTING NEWS: Our creative and talented quilting ladies have been busy creating mission quilts. These gifts of love will be on rotating display in the Fellowship Hall for you to enjoy. Also, let us know if you are aware of a local need for such a gift. God's Work....Our Hands
- March Quilting Dates:
- Monday, March 10, 9 AM
- Monday March 24, 9 AM